The Federalism Library

Topic: Language Policy

(21 results)

Language Policy in Federal and Devolved Countries: Recognition, Inclusion and Current Issues: Number 66

Document Type: Forum Publication | Publication Year: 2023 | Posted: March 3, 2023

Diversity And Inclusion In Shared Governance: A Policy Brief

Document Type: Forum Publication | Publication Year: 2022 | Posted: January 30, 2023

The Politics of Language in Post-Apartheid South Africa

Document Type: Forum Publication | Publication Year: 2023 | Posted: January 19, 2023

Language, Nation and State in Federal Pakistan

Document Type: Forum Publication | Publication Year: 2022 | Posted: December 19, 2022

Minority Languages in Spain: Recognition, Promotion and Some Conflicts – Number 62

Document Type: Forum Publication | Publication Year: 2022 | Posted: October 20, 2022

Sociolinguistic Policies and their Contestation in Bosnia and Herzegovina – Number 61

Document Type: Publication | Publication Year: 2022 | Posted: September 13, 2022

Language Realities and Policies in Italy: Multifaceted, Multilevel, Asymmetric – Number 59

Document Type: Publication | Publication Year: 2022 | Posted: July 27, 2022

Language Policy and Federalism in Independent India: Number 58

Document Type: Publication | Publication Year: 2022 | Posted: June 6, 2022

Linguistic Diversity in Switzerland: Going Beyond Territorial Accommodation: Number 57

Document Type: Forum Publication | Publication Year: 2022 | Posted: May 3, 2022

Les politiques linguistiques du Canada sont bien établies mais susceptibles d’amélioration: Numéro 56

Document Type: Forum Publication | Publication Year: 2022 | Posted: March 17, 2022

Canada’s Language Policies: Well-Established, but Still Room for Improvement: Number 56

Document Type: Forum Publication | Publication Year: 2022 | Posted: March 17, 2022

The Belgian Linguistic Compromise: Between Old Battles and New Challenges : Number 55

Document Type: Publication | Publication Year: 2022 | Posted: March 1, 2022

Developing and Implementing Multilingual Policy in a Federal Nepal: Opportunities and Challenges: Number 54

Document Type: Publication | Publication Year: 2022 | Posted: February 4, 2022

Swiss cantons bear brunt bear brunt multilingualism

Publication Year: 2007 | Posted: March 7, 2016

Drafting Nepal’s language policy

Document Type: Federations Magazine Article | Posted: March 7, 2016

Language and Governance / La gouvernance linguistique / Iaith a Llywodraeth

Document Type: Conference Paper | Publication Year: 2001 | Posted: March 7, 2016

Language and Governance Conference Participants

Document Type: Conference Paper | Publication Year: 2001 | Posted: March 7, 2016

Language and Governance Conference Agenda

Document Type: Conference Paper | Publication Year: 2001 | Posted: March 7, 2016


Document Type: Conference Paper | Publication Year: 1999 | Posted: March 7, 2016

The PRACTITIONER’S Page: Dirk Brand of Western Cape; South Africa; Making multiculturalism a reality in South Africa

Document Type: Federations Magazine Article | Publication Year: 2002 | Posted: March 7, 2016