The Forum of Federations in collaboration with the Interstate Council, Brookings India and the Nehru Memorial Museum and Library organized a two-day conference on how to improve public health care in India through fiscal federalism. With health care policymakers from India’s central and state governments, the conference consisted of panel discussions, a special lecture, interactive dialogue and presentations from academics, practitioners, NGO representatives and international health experts from Brazil and Canada. .
The conference titled Improving Public Health Care Though Fiscal Federalism ran from 29th – 30th October 2017 and was held in Teen Murti Bhawan in Delhi.
The conference began with opening remarks by Dr. Vinod Paul, Member of NITI aayog. And covered the following themes: Political Economy of Privatisation, Dilemmas of Preventive Care and Curative Care, Issues of Politicising Health and Status of Public Health Financing in India.
The key question underpinning all discussions was about which strategies will best fulfil the unique health care challenges of each state. The sessions also reflected on the treatment of other social sector expenditures such as education, sanitation and clean water and how this affects the health of the population and the pressures on the health system.
Another core cross-cutting narrative examined the various reasons and factors that restrict governments in improving health facility.
International Experts, Paulo Rodrigues and Don Philippon, from Brazil and Canada sent by the Forum of Federations provided global exposure and offered different federal health models and best practices for participants to consider and research.
In addition to learning opportunities, this conference set the stage for further health care improvements and cooperation among multi-level governments in India.
The conference was an overwhelming success, attracting more than 150 delegates, speakers and attendees.
Conference Program
Photos from the event
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