Dans le cadre du projet “L’autonomisation des femmes pour des rôles de Leadership dans la Région MENA : Jordanie, Maroc…
Rencontre Provinciale pour le lancement du « Programme d’accompagnement en faveur des instances de l’équité, l’égalité de chances et approches…
The Forum of Federations, with its project partner Conflict Dynamics International (CDI), organized a training and dialogue session with Somalia’s…
On 10 April, 2018 the Forum of Federations held its annual Board of Directors meeting in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The…
The Forum of Federations is a relatively young civil society organization (founded in 1999). Can you briefly explain what makes…
Forum of Federations (FOF) and AlHayat-Rased organized a training workshop called “Fundamentals of Women’s Political Rights and Participation”. This four-…
The Forum of Federations and Canada launch the project: “Strengthening Federal Governance and Pluralism in Ethiopia” Strengthening Federal Governance and…
On April 2nd, 2018, the Forum of Federations, in cooperation with the Tunisian Ministry of Women affairs, Family and Childhood,…
On February 15, 2018, the Forum of Federations, in cooperation with Mexico’s Public Administration Ministry, with funding provided by the…
Forum and Senate of Pakistan hold inaugural seminar “Accountable Fiscal Federalism in Pakistan” On 15th February 2018, the Forum of…