Conference PaperTopic:
Minority Rights/Immigrant IntegrationCountries:
BelgiumPublication Year:
Federalism and Non-Territorial Representation Jan Erk May 2003 Jan Erk is a post-doctoral student and instructor in political science at the University of Toronto. ______________________________________________________ I. CONTEMPORARY EXAMPLES: 1. Belgium: Vlaamse RaadCommission communautaire francophone de Bruxelles, cocofverfransing Commission communautaire francophone, cocofVlaamse Gemeenschapscommisie, VGCCommission communautaire commune/ Gemeenschappelijke GemeenschapscommissieRetour à Liège2. The Netherlands: Afscheiding GereformeerdeHervormdeSchoolkwestieAnti-Revolutionaire PartijSouvereiniteit in eigen kringverzuilingGroot Pacificatie3. Switzerland:TessinNationalrat – Conseil nationalStänderat – Conseil des ÉtatsBundesversammlung – Assemblée fédéraleBundesrat – Conseil fédérall’Affaire MoeckliFront de liberation du JuraSurselva Sutselva Surmeira Ladin4. Spain: 5. Non-Territorial Arrangements Elsewhere: Rearrangements: The Courchene PapersHandbook of Federal CountriesIndian Federalism and AutonomyCentralism and Devolution of PowerIndian Federalism and Unity of Nation: A review of Indian Constitutional Experiences Indian Federalism and Unity of Nation: A review of Indian Constitutional Experiencespanchat rajmillet enosis taksim Alto-Adigemodus vivendiII. HISTORICAL EXAMPLES 1. The Austria-Hungarian Empirenom de plumeDer Kampf der österreichischen Nationen um den StaatDie Nationalitätenfrage und die SozialdemokratieState and Nation in Multi-ethnic Societies: The Breakup of the Multinational State2. Ottoman Empire: milletmilletsStaat und Nation in multi-ethnischen GesellschaftenStudies in Eighteenth Century Islamic HistoryğAfter Empire: Multiethnic Societies and Nation-Building. The Soviet Union and Russian, Ottoman and Habsburg Empires