
Document Details
Forum Publication
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Summary – Health Policy and Federalism 2001

Health Policy and Federalism The Forum of Federations, in collaboration with the governments of Brazil and Mexico organized two workshops on health policy and federalism. The workshops built on a comparative study of health care reforms in federal countries undertaken by the Institute of Intergovernmental Relations at Queen’s University. For the purposes of these workshops, the original study was expanded to include health care reforms in Brazil and Mexico. The Brazilian workshop was organized at the request of federal health minister and leading presidential candidate José Serra. The first two-day workshop was held in Sao Paulo, on October 15 and 16, 2001, and the second in Mexico City on October 18. The workshops were very successful events in which international experts and Brazilian and Mexican stakeholders exchanged the ideas on various approaches to better manage health services between the levels of government. The international experts provided comparative views on the state of the health systems in European countries, Canada, the United States, Australia, Mexico, and Brazil. The participation of highly qualified practitioners from both Brazil and Mexico generated fruitful discussions and exchange of views on health issues.