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Water and Hydropower in Federal Nepal: Development and Decision
Making from a Comparative Perspective
With this publication, the Forum hopes to contribute to the Nepalese debate on constitution-drafting and the subsequent sectoral legislation work by providing access to key comparative information. This book is intended for Constituent Assembly members, political parties, representatives of professional organizations and other stakeholder organizations engaged in or interested in issues of water and hydropower production. The project is part of the Forum’s Nepal Program 2008-2011, entitled Federalism in Nepal: Supporting Nepal’s Constitutional Transition, which aims to: (a) strengthen the capacity of the Constituent Assembly members to draft a federal constitution, (b) enhance knowledge of federal systems among political party leaders and civil servants, and (c) increase public understanding of federalism. This project has been mainly funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).
Edited by Werner Thut
With contributions by: Ratna Sansar Shrestha, Bernard Dafflon, Hugo Aschwanden