
Intergovernmental Relations, Power DistributionCollection:
La Série DialogueAuthors:
A comparative analysis of eleven diverse federal countries through case studies illustrating federalism’s diversity, challenges and opportunities.
The comparative studies in this volume examine the constitutional distribution of exclusive and shared powers and responsibilities among the national and constituent governments of Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Germany, India, Mexico, Nigeria, Spain, Switzerland, and the United States. Contributors examine the reasons behind each country’s system of power distribution, how it works, changes over time, successes or failures, and future trends in the allocation and sharing of power.
Contributors include Hugues Dumont (Belgium), J.Isawa Elaigwu (Nigeria), Thomas Fleiner (Switzerland), Xavier Bernadà Gil (Spain), Ellis Katz (USA), Nicolas Lagasse (Belgium), George Mathew (India), Clement Macintyre (Australia), Enric Argullol Murgades (Spain), Manuel Gonzà¡lez Oropeza (Mexico), Marcelo Piancastelli (Brazil), Hans-Peter Schneider (Germany), Richard Simeon (Canada), Marc Van der Hulst (Belgium), Sébastien Van Drooghenbroeck (Belgium), and John M. Williams (Australia).
The French edition of this book, Répartition des compétences et responsabilités dans les pays fédéraux, is forthcoming.
Akhtar Majeed is professor of political science and director of the Centre for Federal Studies, Hamdard University, New Delhi.
Ronald L. Watts is principal emeritus and professor emeritus of political studies, Queen’s University.
Douglas M. Brown is fellow, Institute of Intergovernmental Relations, and adjunct associate professor, School of Policy Studies, Queen’s University.