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List of Background Papers – Mont-Tremblant 1999

List of Background Papers – Mont Tremblant 1999 International Conference on Federalism Mont-Tremblant, October 1999 List of Background Papers – Mont Tremblant 1999 In order to facilitate discussion during the Mont-Tremblant conference, the Forum commissioned a series of papers. The papers themselves were not discussed during the conference sessions, but served as a means to provide background, and to place the session topics in context. Ronald L. Watts Professor Emeritus of Political Science, Institute of Intergovernmental Relations, Queen’s University CSD Roundtable:Models of Federal Power SharingThomas Fleiner President of the Federalism Institute, University of Fribourg CSD Roundtable:Models of Federal CitizenshipRightsJohn Kincaid Professor of Government and Public Service, Lafayette College EFF: Roundtable:Economic Policy Making:Advantages and Disavantages ofthe Federal ModelBev Dahlby Director of the Institute for Public Economics at the University of Alberta EFF Roundtable:Taxing ChoicesDavid Cameron Professor of Political Science, University of Toronto IGR Roundtables:Structures of IntergovernmentalInstitutionsBrian Opeskin Senior Lecturer, Law Faculty, University of Sydney IGR Roundtables:Mechanisms forIntergovernmental RelationsPeter J. Spiro Associate Professor, School of Law, HofstraUniversity CSD Roundtable:Immigration and MigrationFerran Requejo Professor, Political Science, Universitat Pompeu Fabra CSD Roundtable:National GroupsRobin Boadway Professor of Economics, Queen’s University EFF Roundtable:Burden Sharing of Dividing theSpoilsJohn Whalley Professor of Economics, University of Western Ontario EFF Roundtable:Globalization and the Decline ofthe Nation StateMichael Crommelin Dean of Law, University of Melbourne IGR Roundtables:Dispute ResolutionRoger Gibbins Professor of Political Science, University of Calgary IGR Roundtable:Local Government / InternationalCitiesDavid Hawkes Former Co-Director of Research for Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples IGR Roundtable:Indigenous Peoples: SelfGovernment andIntergovernmental RelationsAllan A. Warrack Professor of Business, University of AlbertaIGR Roundtable:The role of the Private Sector andIntergovernmental RelationsSusan Philips Professor of Public Administraion, Carleton University IGR Roundtable:The role of Non-GovernmentalOganizations inIntergovernmental RelationsLucia Avelar Professor of Political Science, University of Brasilia CSD Roundtable:Regional DiversityDaniel Elazar Director, Centre for the Study of Federalism, Temple University CSD Roundtable:Religious DiversityRobert Brown Past Chairman, Pricewaterhouse Coopers EFF Roundtable:Coping with Multi-LevelGovernment: The View from thePrivate SectorJames Bickerton Professor of Political Science, St. Francis Xavier University EFF Roundtable:Regional Economic Development:Building Partnerships or TransferDependencies?Richard Simeon Professor of Political Science, University of Toronto IGR Roundtables:Adaptability and Change inFederationsEarl Fry Professor of Political Science and Endowed Professor of Canadian Studies Brigham Young University IGR Roundtable:Internationalization, Globalizationand Federal SystemsChristine Fletcher Director, North Australia Research Unit, The Australian University CSD Roundtable:Indigenous PeoplesSubrata Mitra Chairman of the Department of Political Science, South Asia Institute, University of Heidelberg CSD Roundtable:Linguistic DiversityPeter Whiteford Senior civil servant at the Commonwealth Department of Social Security, Canberra SPF Roundtable:Reconciling Equity andDecentralization: IncomeSecurityCecilia Braslavsky Director of Education Investment and Development Federal Ministry of Education SPF Roundtable:Reconciling Equity andDecentralization: EducationAde Lucas Professor in Health/Economies, Harvard SPF Roundtable:Reconciling Equity andDecentralization: HealthDaniel Weinstock TOWARD A NORMATIVE THEORY OF FEDERALISM Department of Philosophy University of Montreal Forum of Federations / Forum des fédérations