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Report on the First National Meeting of Tax Administrators in Brazil

Report on the First National Meeting of Tax Administrators July 14 – 17, 2004 Salvador, Brazil As part of the Forum’s on-going cooperation with the National Council for Fiscal Policy (CONFAZ), the Forum co-organized the First National Meeting of Tax Administrators that was held in Salvador, Brazil between 14 and 17 July 2004. The main coordinators of this event were the Federal Revenue Secretariat and the State Ministry of Finance of Bahia. A total of approximately 150 finance officials from Brazil participated in the event, namely Secretaries of the Federal Revenue, State Ministers of Finance, Municipal Secretaries of Finance of the capital cities, representatives of the Office of the Attorney General of the Federal Ministry of Finance, representatives of the Brazilian Association of Municipalities and officials from the federal, state and municipal Tax Administration Offices. The Forum sponsored experts for this event were Daniel Bourgeois, President and CEO of the Fiscal and Financial Planning Association in Montreal and Jan Werner, Chair in Public Finance at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt who presented Canadian and German experience with tax administration, respectively. The objective of the meeting was to promote the implementation of the Article 37 of the Constitutional Amendment number 42 of 19 December 2003, which foresees integrated working of tax administrations, including exchange of information between the levels of government and exchange of information on taxpayers’ registration. Two protocols of cooperation were signed; first on constructing a synchronized taxpayers’ registry that would respect the interests of the Tax Administrations at all three levels of government and second, on the methods and instruments for tax administration. These protocols were signed between the federal government represented by the Federal Revenue Secretariat and the States and the Federal District represented by their respective Ministries of Finance, and the Municipalities.