Success Stories and Testimonials

Much of the work by the Forum of Federations involves knowledge transfers and – like most governance programs – our impact cannot only be measured by numbers. Over the years, our training sessions, development assistance and policy programs have led to many positive changes. From the creation of new federal constitutions to community leadership to changes in governance, our outputs have had a long-lasting impact. Read a small sample of our success stories and testimonials on this page to understand the scope of how the Forum of Federations is effecting positive change around the world.

Two Nepalese officials posing in front of Canada flag
Brazil flag
Leaders from across Ethiopian society stand on stage holding hands during the Four Scenarios of Possible Futures: 2040 Conference
Officials pose at International Conference on Cooperative Federalism in India
Man speaks at podium during Seminar on Fiscal Federalism in Pakistan
Two men shake hands in front of bookshelves
Headshot of Khaoula Laabidi
Headshot of Farah Mimouni
Reema Zghoul standing beside a man holding seedlings in Jordan
Women participating at a workshop for women parliamentarians in Jordan
Headshot of Ait Lahsein Anaya
Rajaâ Amraoui participating in MENA training workshops in Jordan
Group of people gathered around a table holding a paper with the Tunisian flag
Samia Letaief