Intergovernmental Cooperation, Multilevel GovernanceCollection:
Conference ReportsCountries:
Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Germany, India, Mexico, South Africa, SwitzerlandAuthors:
Publication Year:
On July 6th and 7th, 2021, the Forum of Federations, in collaboration with the Brazilian Institute for Applied Economic Research (IPEA), hosted a webinar series that examined federalism and intergovernmental cooperation in multilevel systems. The series aimed to enhance understanding among Brazilian practitioners and researchers of intergovernmental collaboration in other jurisdictions, to help inform the development of Brazil’s own processes. The event was moderated by Enid Slack, Director of the Institute on Municipal Finance and Governance at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy at the University of Toronto in Canada. The webinar was facilitated by Diana Chebenova, Senior Director at the Forum of Federations, and Liam Whittington, Program Manager at the Forum of Federations.
The program commenced with presentations on the context of intergovernmental relations in Brazil from Professor of Public Finance and Fiscal Policy, Fernando Rezende, who provided an overview of fiscal federalism in Brazil; accompanied by the Director of the Forum of Federations’ Brazil office, Constantino Cronemberger Mendes, who provided a synopsis of the Brazilian intergovernmental cooperation instrument Public Consortia. The webinar continued with contributions by international experts who provided insights into the dynamics of the intergovernmental cooperation regimes in their respective countries.
The speakers were asked to reflect and provide country-specific insights on the following questions:
1. What are the key aspects that affect (positively or negatively) the working of the intergovernmental cooperation regime in your country?
2. What are the roles played by the central and provincial/state governments in your country’s intergovernmental cooperation regime?
3. What recommendations or initiatives exist for a periodical evaluation of the results of intergovernmental cooperation in your country? Is there a reliable intergovernmental cooperation dataset available for the evaluation of intergovernmental cooperation? If not, what sources of data are available?
This webinar aimed to support increased understanding among Brazilian practitioners and researchers of intergovernmental collaboration in other jurisdictions, to help inform the development of Brazil’s federal governance processes.